Blog for Today's Parent

Ok! Here goes. One day before the deadline to submit your blog to Today's Parent, for any chance to prove to fellow Canadians that we are all different and unique. I guess I'm not the only mom or dad who got excited about this opportunity! I've been writing for years and keeping a blog for almost two. I'm the typical writer who never knows where to start and often doesn't post a piece until the very last minute, I feel as though my journalistic capabilities have been really lacking in the past several years- not that I'm blaming it on parenthood-or my day job. But, I really don't get to sit in the silence I need to create and write like I would like to very often. I rarely stay up past 10:30-without just cause.
Recently though however, I got this burst of inspiration for something I really want to do- that is write about being a mom in this world. My situation is common but with a slightly imperfect twist. I'm not only a single mother, I'm an only parent. My daughter's dad passed away three years ago when she was five. I say it was a good thing we were split up when it all happened because she was able to deal with the blow a lot easier. Don't get me wrong, his death was the second hardest thing I've ever dealt with, first being the passing of my own mom, seven months before. It has been challenging raising my girl alone- but you know what? I can say that I don't have anyone to blame or ague with about what I think is right or wrong as far as parenting and morals go. I know she is always safe because I know where she is at all times and there are no crazy mind games going on between the mom and dad- so she gets to remain innocent in all this- for that I am so grateful.
I'm not saying I'm perfect in any way and I always wish I could do more, but trust me things were hard when we split. In place of that, I don't get a break every second weekend- he doesn't help pay for extra curricular activities- or child support, and I haven't had much time to myself. I hardly ever spring for a sitter so I can go out-mainly because I am a home-body and like to stick to my routine- and chill at home with my girl, but it pretty much costs ten bucks just to walk out the door alone. When I have to work the odd weekend shift or in the evening, I alternate child minding/play dates with other mom's and friends. I really love my life but I am still working on many things. Somewhere along the way I think that I have finally found an inspiration to start writing again, though. My daughter is now 8-years-old and is beginning to show signs of independence that I may sit a bit longer at the computer in the evening and think and write. I would like to share my thoughts because I have many stories of life experiences that I would like to get out there to others. I am going to continue blogging- even though they are a bit rusty at this point. I am putting it out there. Kudos to all parent blogger's and I hope we cross paths in this journey.
I'll definitely tell you more about myself in the blog posts that follow. Please be assured I do not live a sad life and every day is filled with happiness and laughter. But it is also very real and I have much gratitude in knowing that I can go to the beat of my own drum. That my friends, I have learned from my lovely daughter.
Thanks to everyone at Today's Parent for the opportunity for this quest that I have wanted to put out to you for years.


Maria Karampelas
Port Hope, Ontario
pic taken a few year's ago when I looked younger

My Lovely daughter-so cute :)


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