Starting Here

Let's Do This!

There are a lot of people who are interested in knowing more about the uses of essential oils. But, I find one of the biggest reasons people don't try them is because there is so much information out there but people don't know where to start. Not to mention switching from chemical packed products to essential oil based products can seem overwhelming and people don't know where to start.

Do you know that perfumes and body sprays are one of the main causes of why people get feelings of nausea or sick, suffer with migraine headaches and feel they need to take numerous doses of over the counter pills to make the pain go away? Which in turn causes more problems over time. I have not taken an Advil in almost 2 years, not that I ever was one to reach for pills to mask a pain but I know about it-trust me.  I do reach for my oils when ever I don't feel quite right and I have to say- usually they help me over come the discomfort I am working on at that time.

There is a lot to learn so that is why I would suggest starting out slow and with a Starter Kit and reading what you can do for yourself, according to your own interests. I do believe you will notice some differences quickly. Choosing what company to trust and look to educate yourself with is important. Everyone will tell you they are using pure oils. I can just suggest that Young Living is the world leader in production of essential oils. They have the best distillation equipment, scientists and aromatherapists and studies done on their product to keep in uniform quality control. They are also the only essential oils company in the world that owns their own farms. You want them to be pure-very important- you want to be sure the plants were not grown unethically or with chemicals- you do not want that crap going in to your body. After comparing with many other companies over the years I have come full circle and am back to using the number one brand that I first discovered when I was introduced to aromatherapy when I was a young woman. I am certain they are the purest but you don't to take my word for it. Just smell them for yourself- your nose will know. And, there is so much proof available. Just start by scrolling through the website on the link I have provided on this page.
I have been interested in aromatherapy and it's positive affects for over 20 years.  I would say I originally started using scent to make my house smell good. My reasons have grown with my knowledge. I always knew there were benefits to oils, what their healing properties are capable of and that was all I knew for many years. I used to believe incense and burning oils in a bit of water in tea light cases were the only ways to do it. Since last year when I got involved with my team of oilers which we are known as The Transformation Team, I have since collected 3 diffusers with another free one on the way and have become somewhat oil obsessed. I make all kinds of my own natural remedies for little things in my lifestyle routines. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to get involved again with this amazing company and a really nice group of people who started me on my journey with Young Living. I have spent time working and focusing a lot of time reading and watching others in learning how to use essential oils in my life. My skincare routines, for my emotions, my breathing and my for sleep.... I have been using eucalyptus oils in my bedroom almost every night for the past ten or 11 months- and I love going to sleep breathing in the wonderful relaxation it brings me. I sleep like a baby.
In the first month, I ordered my starter kit. I received this beautiful package in the mail and It was pretty exciting to open up. I was thinking about business opportunities involved with the company as well and it definitely interested me to have the opportunity and option to earn and receive rewards for my involvement not to mention the fact that I am really in to this sort of thing and it is definitely something that I have a real passion for and the fact there is an opportunity to be involved with a company I truly believe in.
First and foremost however, I was more interested in using them for myself and learning more and more about the products and learning how they make me feel, knowing that I'm not harming myself by using oils. If you are curious, I can tell you why and it is worth a conversation!
Once I started experimenting a bit, I immediately noticed a big difference in my energy levels and my ability to focus. I was pretty excited about something that I believe is a benefit to me, my family and my home.
This fabulous company is also so wonderful because we not only learn from each other in our own group we can cross over around the world and through research and self exploration, you can find all kinds of experts with in our YL family who can share their information and even motivation. I have three of my favorites and they are my gurus. If you are interested in learning from some of my leaders I can point you in the right direction. just send me an email !

Now understandably not everyone thinks about using aromatherapy in their everyday routines.
It is something more than that as well and we all have our fixes for our stuff. Around this time last year I was looking to change it up for myself a bit. I had more freedom again and I put time in to going to classes and slowly progressing in to realizing I can use essential oils to strengthen my own health and my mind.
(contact me if you are interested in more information or getting started)

Now looking back on the last year- I have gotten pretty good in working with oils and learning what their uses are good for and how they work for me. Now I am making all kinds of home made items to use for my skin care (main ingredient being coconut oil), making my hair and nails strong and even for bug spray, soaps and shampoo. Our group has several pros who make all kinds of products that I can purchase or get recipes and learn to do myself if I want. Essential oils (once you get used to their clean scent free of added perfumes) not only smell amazing and have all different everyday uses including keeping my house clean and free of viruses and germs, can boost the immune system boosting your frequency and keeping things moving on a little higher level.
Recently a few people I know have been striking an interest in oils and asked me to find alternative remedies for conditions like sleep problems, controlling anxiety or emotional stuff, or pain. Now I am definitely not a doctor- so I do not diagnose, nor do I or any YL distributors have a right to tell you something is absolutely going to cure a condition,but there are things you can do to work on some things that may be bothering you and it can be worth the effort. The reason the starter kit is a great place to start is the new oil user can use oils that are versatile and known good oils to use to introduce yourself and start with.
The more you read up on this topic, the more inspired one might be to start trying different oils and attending some classes and learning more about taking charge of your body with essential oils. You will realize there is nothing scary about diffusing a little lavender and peppermint to uplift and relax your mind.
The experts (That being the founders of Young Living Gary and Mary Young) have put together a starter kit to introduce you to the top basic oils. I actually loved my starter kit so much that I got another one two months later and used them frequently and became quite familiar with them and noticed that they really worked. For example an oil blend I love from the kit called Di-gize, has proven to be very helpful to relieve me from pains from cramps- which is known to often for many people. It's pretty potent but its worth having on hand. All the goodies that come with the starter kit are a good place to start and explore your journey with Young Living. My collection has grown extensively in the last year and I truly love using them all and learning all about their properties and what they can do.
Finally, if you order the kit through me I will personally introduce you to excellent resources - and come visit and work through it with you or show you via Facetime conversations in the comfort of your own home. Whatever you prefer. I will not lead you astray. I love this part. I love working with other people and sharing notes.
If you have been thinking about getting started with essential oils let me know. I would be very proud of you and grateful that you are interested in what I am offering:) Peace, love and beautiful days.


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